21 February 2022
The reports below were produced by Page\Park on behalf of the Milngavie Business Improvement District (BID). The documents below are proposals for consideration, following detailed work and investigations by Page\Park. Public consultation was also undertaken to help produce the reports.
Please note that the following documents have been produced as ideas and suggestions for consideration only.
The objective of an independently produced Public Realm strategy document is to generate a report, specifically without local stakeholder influence.
It was commissioned by the Milngavie BID to be independently produced by Page\Park architects, covering a wide range of public realm issues to be considered as a wholistic approach to the continuous improvement of the Milngavie area. The reports and results from a public consultation have been published on this website, without revisions or any fine-tuning to suit any specific group.
The reports are not project plans to tell the public what is going to happen.
They are documents for the wider community to consider and comment on and hope it will encourage a further wide range of comments, views and discussion from all sections of the community.
The public consultation received 333 responses and all the results have been independently produced with all positive and negative comments from the public anonymised for public viewing.
The Milngavie BID board had no say or influence over the contents of the report once commissioned.
To be a truly independent report, the contents were left to the architects commissioned to write it. It was published in its entirety with no amendments or requests to change anything.

Public Realm Strategy – Summary Report (7mb pdf)